Health & Safety
As a core value, Liquids Transloading Ltd. is committed to conducting safe and environmentally sound operations. Our company strives to meet and surpass regulatory requirements and industry standards, with a direct commitment to employee safety, public well-being and quality protection of the environment.
The employer, managers, supervisors and workers at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the health and safety excellence that is expected by LTL, which includes the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, psychological and social well-being of all employees.
Competency and consistency in performing critical tasks and open communication are all contributing factors to improve attitudes towards safety among everyone who works for or with the company.
Freedom from injury is taken very seriously in our daily operations and is continually encouraged in an effort to meet the safety objectives of all. As such, LTL is also committed to having an alcohol and drug-free workplace. Whether you are an employee, customer, contractor or supplier, the primary goal is to promote a safe and healthy incident/accident free workplace.
Safety Training
Our Health, Safety and Environment Program takes a comprehensive approach in achieving our goals of safety excellence; having a fully trained and knowledgeable staff is a fundamental cornerstone to our program.
Dependent on the position held within the company, some of the safety specific training provided may include Rail Car Safety and Securement, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG), Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), Standard First Aid and CPR, and H2S.
Emergency Response
Liquids Transloading Ltd. has a detailed Emergency Response Plan to ensure the safety of our workers, contractors, suppliers, visitors and the public. The company believes a sudden occurrence can be controlled through efficient planning and administrative decisions made in advance to mitigate the effects and extent of an emergency situation.
In addition to our internal Plan and training, Liquids Transloading Ltd. subscribes to the services of Quantum Murray, a specialized end-to-end environmental services company having the knowledge, capabilities and resources requires to assist as needed.
Our company is also a member of the Canadian Propane Association and the LPG Emergency Corporation Plan, which is developed in accordance with Transport Canada’s legislation to provide emergency response capabilities to LPG emergencies.
Industry Safety Certification and Compliance
- Certificate of Recognition (COR) – Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships
- ISNetworld
- Avetta (PICS)
- Complyworks

49409 RR 273
Calmar, Alberta
T0C 0V0
Toll Free
7260 Ogden Dale Rd S.E.
Calgary, Alberta Canada
T2C 3B1
Toll Free